The girl in the stable door of the dilapidated farmyard
seems almost at odds with her big breasts . . .   - July 27, 1923

My copies of the old Schocken editions of Kafka's diaries: I've read them to death. 
Today they're in pieces all over my desk. 

       August 2, 1917

Usually the one whom you are looking for lives next door. This isn't easy to explain, you must simply accept it as a fact. It is so deeply founded that there is nothing you can do about it, even if you should make an effort to. The reason is that you know nothing of this neighbor you are looking for. That is, you know neither that you are looking for him nor that he lives next door. You may of course know this as a general fact of your experience, only such knowledge doesn't matter in the least, even if you expressly keep it forever in mind. I'll tell you of one such case--

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